Vapor recovery grants: eligibility expanded; sunset provided -
Act 144
Waste tire removal and recovery program revisions [Sec. 648z-650, 1408b, 4320g-h, 4408m-4415d, 6411b, 9142 (2t), 9242 (1t), 9442 (7t)] -
Act 27
Water regulatory projects and wetland maps: fee structure revised [Sec. 658, 1348, 1662-1668, 1707-1711, 4206, 9342 (7)] -
Act 27
Wild ginseng laws and dealer licensing revisions [Sec. 1580-1585, 1611, 1633-1654, 9342 (4), (5)]
Act 27
Wood ash: license exemption re agricultural use; DNR report required [Sec. 4319h, 9142 (1g)] -
Act 27
Bonus deer hunting and hunter's choice permits: processing fee provided [Sec. 1536m-1537m, 1593g, r, 9342 (3g)]
Act 27
Crossbow hunting permits for disabled persons: licensed chiropractor may administer medical tests
Act 293
DNR fish and game licensing automation: JCF to approve funding [Sec. 9142 (9p)] -
Act 27
Farm-raised deer and venison exemption from DNR regulation; revisions re slaughter license, fencing, dog damage, DATCP authority and bovine tuberculosis testing
Act 79
Fish and game approvals requested by mail, telephone or electronic means: handling fees authorized [Sec. 644, 1538, 1603] -
Act 27
Fish rearing pond program repealed [Sec. 673b, 1631m] -
Act 27
Fishing seasons in urban areas: DNR may establish for certain persons; agreement of local government required re designation of body of water -
Act 91
Sharp-tailed grouse: hunting permits and processing fee provisions created -
Act 376
Small game hunting license for residents age 12 to 18 years [Sec. 1538m, 1571, 1594m, 1601m, 9442 (4m)]
Act 27
Wild turkey hunting approval revisions [Sec. 633, 1604, 1607, 1612, 9342 (2)] -
Act 27
Admission fees to state trails and certain state park: percentage retained by concessionaires or agents increased; use specified in certain cases -
Act 312
Automated campground reservation system provisions [Sec. 1501m, r] -
Act 27
Boathouses: DNR rules may not govern aesthetic features or colors of [Sec. 1657ym, zt] -
Act 27
Boating ordinances: enactment procedures revised; certain factors and ordinances specified; DNR authority re placement of navigational aids or markers -
Act 152
Campsite reservations: opening date revised [Sec. 1494-1500] -
Act 27
Child or family support nonpayment: automatic lien on boat or vessel; DNR to provide owner list to county
Act 287
Heritage state parks and forests trust fund created [Sec. 629p, 1394m, 1401, 1405e, 1510b, m, 3300m, 6307m, 9442 (12x)] [1405e — partial veto] -
Act 27
Lower Wisconsin state riverway board transferred from DNR to Department of tourism [Sec. 93m, 166m, 1674m, 9139 (1g), 9439 (1)] -
Act 27
Nuisance aquatic plant removal on the Great Lakes: acquisition of equipment for cutting and removal
Act 8
Recreational boating project program: eligibility revisions; water safety patrol funding [Sec. 706g, 737h, 1693-1695, 9142 (11g), 9342 (10), 9442 (8g)] -
Act 27
Snowmobile trail inspection by DNR: certain exemptions created -
Act 294
DETF revisions re WRS lump sum payment, intestate or abandoned accounts notification, life insurance to certain Milwaukee teachers and application date for long-term disability insurance benefits (remedial legislation)
Act 414
Financial institutions' annual statements of conditions: newspaper publication requirement removed
Act 325
Incidental taking of endangered or threatened species: permits created; news media notification provision
Act 296
Official state newspaper: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel designated [SJR-15] - JR-8
Official state newspaper: Wisconsin State Journal designated [SJR-60] - JR-26
Service on corporation: publication in official state newspaper revised [Sec. 3779, 4583, 4585, 4634, 4636]
Act 27
Radio and sound-producing or amplification devices in motor vehicles: laws revised; vehicle impoundment and owner liability provided; local ordinances authorized; forfeitures doubled for violations -
Act 373
Community services appropriations consolidated re African-American foster parent recruitment and certain adolescent services programs [Sec. 943, 947, 949, 958, 960, 2304, 2405, 2600, 2601] -
Act 27
Genetic testing for paternity determinations permitted: definition created -
Act 100
Grandparent visitation rights to nonmarital children; persons authorized to file paternity petition revised
Act 68
Minor parents living arrangement: DHSS to seek federal waiver to eliminate exceptions re AFDC and W-2
Act 289
Nonmarital child adoption: DHSS recommendations revised -
Act 443
Paternity action by indigent person: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 7112-7113b, 7118m-7120m, 7264m, 9344 (2q)]
Act 27
Paternity determination proceedings and disclosure of court records -
Act 275
Funding and construction authorized; bonding authority granted; DOA to approve plans -
Act 60
Motor vehicle certificate of title revised re notarization of certain title transfers and memoranda to register of deeds (remedial legislation) -
Act 338
School bus nonoperation notarization requirement repealed (remedial legislation) -
Act 338
Agricultural activities alleged to be nuisances: law revised re zoning ordinances, available remedies and awards of costs -
Act 149
Building declared public nuisance re criminal gang activity: eviction procedure revised; law suit prohibition provision -
Act 267
Gambling devices: exemption re interstate transportation into La Crosse, Manitowoc, Marinette, Sturgeon Bay and Superior; certain persons in shipbuilding business exempted from gambling activity prohibitions -
Act 11
Advanced practice nurse: prescription authority -
Act 448
Health care professional service corporation: chiropractors, physical therapists, dietitians and hearing and speech therapists added; revision re physician and nurse anesthetists
Act 167
Home health, private-duty nursing and personal care service re 1995 WisAct 27 revised -
Act 457
Home health, private-duty nursing and personal care services: MA expenditures limited; certain exceptions provided; study of personal care benefits [Sec. 2987-2989, 3002m, 3012, 3020m, 9126 (28q)] -
Act 27
Licensure requirements: exception for certain persons created -
Act 146
Parking privileges for disabled persons: medical certification procedure revised -
Act 147
Appeal rights re deficiencies under federal regulations [Sec. 3079r, 3240m, 9326 (24i)] -
Act 27
Assisted living facility program created; DHSS and DOA duties set [Sec. 817j, 2232, 2255, 2949, 2974b, 3221b-g, 3234b, 3244g, 4387n, 9126 (6), 9426 (4)] [3234b — partial veto; 817j — vetoed] -
Act 27
CBRF receivership: funding revised; payment of nursing home monitor costs [Sec. 920, 3240y-3241L] [3240y — partial veto] -
Act 27
COP cost recovery assessment and case plan fee revisions; report required [ Sec. 818b, 952m, 2220j-L, 2223m, t, 2226m, n, 2229r, 2231r, 2234m, 2235g, 7065bm, 7190bm, 7191bm, c, 7193bm, c, 7194bm, c, 7195bm, c, 7197bm, c, 7198bm, c, 7199bm-y, 7200bm, 7206g, 9126 (30g), 9326 (24g), (24h), 9426 (28g), (28h)] [2226n, 2229r, 2231r — partial veto] -
Act 27
COP funding limit for long-term care in CBRF; DOA to review and approve rules and standards; report required [Sec. 2211-2213, 2217, 2222, 2247, 2250, 2254, 2261, 9126 (5), (29g)] -
Act 27
COP residency requirement for long-term community support services [Sec. 2223c, 9326 (23x)]
Act 27
COP service purchase for persons residing in CBRF: development and use of model contract for purchase by counties; report required [Sec. 2214, 2219, 2233, 9126 (29h)]
Act 27
COP services in certain CBRFs: funding limited unless approved by DHSS [Sec. 2209w, 2215, 2216, 2227, 2229, 9126 (4)] -
Act 27
COP services: limitation on use of solely state-funded services expanded [Sec. 2221] -
Act 27
Elderly program funding re COP, BOALTC, the guardianship grant program and Alzheimer's disease training and information grants [partial veto] -
Act 464
Hospital and nursing home plan review duties transferred from DILHR to DHSS [Sec. 819, 3225, 3246, 3660, 9126 (2), 9130 (1), 9426 (2), 9430 (1)] -
Act 27
MA funded bed utilization in nursing homes: report requirements repealed [Sec. 807, 933, 2979]
Act 27
Monitor in nursing home or CBRF: payment of costs [Sec. 811, 820, 923] -
Act 27
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